Gaussian broad-beam excimer laser: clinical and experimental results.
Bulletin de la Societe Belge d Ophtalmologie. (297):81-96, 2005.
Bulletin de la Societe Belge d Ophtalmologie. (297):81-96, 2005.
To evaluate the mid-term (1-3 years) results of the Gaussian broad-beam excimer laser Delivery System (DS) after single treatment for the correction of myopia. To study the corneal surface with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after excimer laser ablation using a flying spot delivery system (Bausch & Lomb) and a Gaussian Delivery System (GDS) (InPro).
The 1035 consecutive eyes studied were split in four groups with respect to the treated myopia, expressed in spherical equivalent: low myopia up to -3.00 D (183 eyes), moderate myopia from -3.25 D to -6.00 D (540 eyes), high myopia from -6.25 D to -10.00 D (210 eyes) and very high myopia from -10.25 D to -20.00 D (102 eyes). Four post-mortem eyes of two donors were treated using the flying spot DS on one eye and the GDS on the other eye.
We achieved postoperative spheriqual equivalent within +/- 1 D of emmetropia in respectively 99.1%, 98.9%, 83% and 21% of the eyes of group 1, 2, 3 and 4. UCVA was 10/10 or better in respectively 65%, 51% and 19% of group 1, 2 and 3. UCVA was 5/10 or better in respectively 86% and 75% of group 3 and 4. The defocus equivalent refraction was 1.0 or less in respectively 98%, 93%, 62%, and 7% of the four groups. On SEM, the corneal surface presented a smooth and polished profile for the GDS.
The Gaussian Delivery System gives comparable results to the flying spot laser system for surface laser ablation in myopic eyes up to -10 D. Advantages of this system are: smooth ablation surface, short treatment time, low haze rate, high reliability and easy maintenance of the device due to the optical DS. It is an interesting alternative for the more complex mechanical DS.
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